
Qin Qian, Ph.D.


Book Chapters

  1. Qin Qian, Saeid Eslamian (2022), Chapter 1: Transboundary Resilience and Social-Hydrological Systems in Saeid Eslamin, ed. Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience by Springer Nature (Accepted 01/2022, under print).
  2. Qin Qian, Saeid Eslamian (2020), Chapter 2: Canal Irrigation, In. Saeid Eslamin, ed. Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management (HIHM) by Taylor and Francis (Accepted 12/2020, under print).
  3. Qin Qian, (2021), Chapter 5: Impact of Urbanization on Flooding, In: Saeid Eslamian, ed. Flooding Handbook, Vol III: Flood Impact and Management, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, (Accepted 08/2020, under print).
  4. Qin Qian, Saeid Eslamian (2021), Chapter 21: Closed Drainage Systems, In: Saeid Eslamian, ed. Flood Handbook Vol 1: Flood Principles and Applications, by Wiley, (Accepted, 09/2019, under print).
  5. Qian, Q., Saeid Eslamian, Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari, Maryam Marani-Barzani, Farnaz Rafat and Ali Hasantabar-Amiri (2018), “Cofferdam”, P.T. Bobrowsky, B. Marker (eds.), Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology, Springer International Publishing AG 2018,
  6. Qian, Q. and Saeid Eslamian (2018), Chapter 20: Streamflow quality in low flow conditions, In: Saeid Eslamian and Faezeh A. Eslamian, ed. Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity, Vol 3: Analysis and Environmental, p375-386, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC press.
  7. Qian, Q., (2016) Chapter II.1: Water Transport, In: Danial, C. Chen, ed. Sustainable water Management and Technology, Volume II: p1-21, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC press.
  8. Qian, Q., (2015), Chapter 61: Groundwater Recharge and Unconventional water: Design and Management Criteria, In: Saeid Eslamian, ed. Handbook of Urban Water Reuse, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, p809-816.
  9. Qian, Q., (2014), Chapter 15: Sediment Pollution, In: Saeid Eslamian ed., Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Vol 3: Environmental and water management, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, p315-327.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Qian, Q.; Su, L.; Zaloom, V.; Jao, M.; Wu, X.; Wang, K.-H. Field Measurements and Modelling of Vessel-Generated Waves and Caused Bank Erosion—A Case Study at the Sabine–Neches Waterway, Texas, USA. Water 2023, 15, 35. https://
  2. Guojian Wang, Qin Qian*, Ronald W. Kluswman, Min Wang & Zuozhen Han (2022) Experimental study on vertical light hydrocarbon microseepage mechanisms, Petroleum Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2022.210805 (*corresponding author).
  3. Qin Qian, Milad Ketabdar, Mien Jao, Xianchang Li, (2022), “Modelling Sediment Load in Storm Drain System of Southeast Texas Coastal Region”, Irrig. Drain Eng.,Vol 148(4),
  4. Guojan Wang, Qin Qian, Ronald W. Klusman, Min Wang, Zuozhen Han, (2022), “Experimental Study on Vertical Light Hydrocarbon Microseepage Mechanisms”, Petroleum Science and Technology (under press).
  5. Qin Qian, Bo Sun, Xianchang Li, Frank Sun, Che-Jen Lin, Liping Jiang, (2019), “Water Quality Evaluation on an Urban Stormwater Retention Pond Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Hydrodynamic Modeling”, Irrig. Drain Eng., 145(12),2019. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001434.
  6. Jeffrey J. Clark, Qin Qian, Vaughan R. Voller, Heinz G. Stefan, (2018), Hyporheic Exchange in a Gravel Bed Flume with and without Traveling Surface Waves, Advances in Water Resources, doi:
  7. Qin Qian, Anthony Dundee, and Heath Thompson (2018), Experimental Study on Flow Measurement in Corrugated Metal Pipes Used in Irrigation Turnouts, J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 144(10): 06018006.
  8. Thuy Minh Nguyen, Saeed Rabbanifar, Nicholas A. Brake, Qin Qian, Kyle Kibodeaux, Harold E. Crochet, Soheil Oruji, Remington Whitt, Jashua Farrow, Brandon Blaire, Paul Bernazzani, Mien Jao, (2018), “Stabilization of Silty Clayey Dredged Material” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol 30(9),
  9. Qian, Q., Xinyu Liu, Michael E. Barrett and Randall J. Charbeneau, (2016) Physical Modeling on Hydraulic Performance of Rectangular Bridge Deck Drains, Water, 2016, 8(2), 67; doi:10.3390/w8020067.
  10. Bo Sun, Farhad Ahmed, Frank Sun, Qian and Yang Xiao, (2016), Water quality monitoring using STORM 3 Data Loggers and a wireless sensor network, Int. J. Sensor Networks, Vol. 20, No.1.
  11. Qin Qian, Badri Parajuli, Qi Fu, Kaiming Yan, John L. Gossage, Thomas C. Ho, (2013), Assessment of Acid Deposition Effects on Water Quality of the Upper Rio Grande River Section in Texas, Journal of Water Resource and Protection.2013,5, 792-800, doi:10.4236/jwarp.2013.58080.
  12. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., 2010, Conditions when anisotropy is negligible for solute transfer in sediment beds of lakes or streams, Advances in Water Resources 33 (2010) 1542–1550. DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2010.09.001.
  13. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., (2009), Modeling of vertical solute dispersion in a sediment bed enhanced by wave-induced interstitial flow, Journal of American Water Resources Association 45(2): 343-354. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2008.00297.x
  14. Qian, Q., Clark, J. J., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., (2009), A depth-dependent dispersion coefficient for modeling of vertical solute exchange in a lake bed under surface waves, Hydr. Engrg. Volume 135, Issue 3, pp. 187-197.
  15. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., (2008), A vertical dispersion model for solute exchange by underflow and periodic hyporheic flow in a stream grave bed, Water Resour. Res., 44, W07422, doi:10.1029/2007WR006366.
  16. Qian, Q. Stefan, H. and Voller, V. (2007), A physically based flux limiter for QUICK calculations of advective scalar transport, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 55:899-915.
  17. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., (2007), Modeling of solute transport into sub-aqueous sediment. Journal of Applied Mathematics Modelling 31, 1461-1478.
  18. Qian, Q., Xiaofang Mu, Yuntao Lu, (2000), Research on the Application of Pulverized Fuel Ash to Mortar in Building Work, Journal of Architecture Technology, 31(5), 320-321.
  19. Tan Qu-lin, Zhai Jian-ping, Zhou Wei-ke and Qin Qian, (1999), Analysis of toxic element in the vegetable growing in the soil mixed with coal ash. Geological Journal of China Universities, 3, 298-305.
  20. Xiaoyun Chen, Yongjun Wu and Qin Qian, (1997), Comprehensive application of new construction technology Jinsili Tall Building in Nanjing, Journal of Construction Technology, 26(9), 40-41.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts, Presentations and Proceedings

  1. Saeed Rabbanifar, T. Thuy Minh Nguyen, Chun-Wei Yao, Qin Qian, Paul Bernazzani, Mien Jao, “Adding Value to Dredged Material Using Lime and Ash Products”, Online Poster Presentation, the Conference of Recent Trends in Geotechnical Geo-Environmental Engineering and Education (RTGEE), September 10-11, 2020, Virtual conference.
  2. Qin Qian, Mien Jao, Victor Zaloom, “Streambank Erosion and Protection after Hurricane Harvey in the Sabine Neches Waterway”, Accepted as Oral Presentation for EWRI ASCE meeting, May 17-21, 2020, Henderson, NV (conference canceled due to COVID-19).
  3. Liv Haselbach, Qin Qian, Hayden Rice, Andre Trottier, Harley Myler, “Concrete pH Profiles in Marine and Freshwater Environments,” Oral Presentation, 2020 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2020.
  4. Qin Qian, Bo Sun, Xianchang Li, Frank Sun, and Che-Jen Lin, “Water quality modeling with data collected by wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in an experimental pond: A case study”, Oral Presentation,19th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference (MTEPC), Tianjin, China, May 17-21, 2019.
  5. Harley Myler, Liv Haselbach, Qin Qian, “Assessing Environmental Impact of Artificial Reefs Using AUVs”, Poster Presentation, 2018 Lionfish Summit, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Cocoa Beach, FL, October 2-4, 2018.
  6. Qin Qian, Milad Ketabdar, Mien Jao, Kenrick Aung, Using Diffusion Model to predict runoff for Assessment on Sediment Load and Transport in Storm Drain System”, Oral Presentation, American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference, June 2-6, 2018, Minneapolis, MN.
  7. Qin Qian, Fernando Aleman; Hayden Rice; Andre Trottier; Liv Haselbach; and Harley Myler, (2018), “pH Profiles around Pervious Concrete in Fresh Water”, Processing of "International Low Impact Development Conference 2018", pp 64-70, Aug 12-15, 2018, Nashville, USA.
  8. Qin Qian, Milad Ketabdar, “Sedimentation Considerations for Design of Sponge City Projects”, Keynote Presentation, 18th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference (MTEPC), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 10-15, 2017.  
  9. Qin Qian, Benjamin Kolkmeier, Lin Su, Xing Wu, Mien Jao, Robert Yuan, Keh-Han Wang, Victor Zaloom, “Stream bank erosion and protection due to wake wash in Sabine Neches Waterway”, Oral Presentation and processing,18th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference (MTEPC), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 10-15, 2017.
  10. Qin Qian, Milad Ketabdar, Mien Jao, Kenrick Aung, Sediment Transport mechanics in Coastal Plain Shallow Grade Storm Drain System”, Oral Presentation, World Transportation Convention, Beijing, China, June 4-6, 2017.
  11. Qin Qian, Mien Jao, Jeremiah Fox, “Experimental Study on Shoreline Erosion using EM2 Geomodel”, Proceeding of American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference, p324-333, May 22-26, 2016, West Palm Beach, FL.
  12. Bo Sun, Frank Sun, and Qin Qian, “Development of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for Water Quality Monitoring”, Proceeding of “American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference”, p41-49, May 22-26, 2016, West Palm Beach, FL.
  13. Qin Qian, and Kaiming Yan, “Assessment of Channel Change of the Lower Rio Grande River Section under different climate conditions”, Proceeding of “American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference”, p962-972, May 17-21, 2015, Austin, TX.
  14. Bo Sun, Frank Sun and Qin Qian, “Deployment of STORM 3 DATA loggers to Monitor Water Quality”, Proceeding of “American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference”, p1312-1321, May 17-21, 2015, Austin, TX.
  15. Milad Ketabdar, Kyle Storm, and Qin Qian, “A Literature Review on the Sediment Transport Process in Shallow-Grade Culverts and Storm Sewers”, Oral Presentation, ASEE Gulf-Southeast Annual Conference, March 25-27, 2015, San Antonio, TX.
  16. Qin Qian, Vaughan R. Voller and Heinz G. Stefan, “Modeling of Solute Transport in Pore Scale Sediment Beds: A Summary of Hydrodynamic Interactions Induced by Surface Wave, Bed Form and Near Bed Turbulence”, Proceeding of American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference”, p262-271, June 1-5, 2014, Portland, OR.
  17. Bo Sun, Farhad Ahmed, Francisco Retiz, and Qin Qian, “Development and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for Measuring Water Quality”, Proceeding of “American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI congress conference”, p836-845, June 1-5, 2014 Portland, OR.
  18. Kendrick Aung, Rayn Underdown, Qin Qian, “Vertical assessment of math competency among Freshmen and sophomore engineering students”, Oral Presentation,120th ASEE Annual Conference, June 23-26, 2013, Atlanta, GA.
  19. Qin Qian, Jeffrey J. Clark, Vaughan R. Voller and Heinz G. Stefan, “Solute Transport in the Interfacial Exchange Zone (IEZ) of Gravel Stream Bed due to Turbulent and Water Surface Wave”, Proceeding of American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI Congress Conference, p550-559, May, 2013, Cincinnati, OH.
  20. Qin Qian, Kaiming Yan, Jerry Lin, Pruek Pogprueksa, Thomas Ho, “Modeling the Sediment Transport in the Big Bend National Park Region”, Poster Presentation, American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI Congress Conference, May, 2013, Cincinnati, OH.
  21. Qian, Q., Liu, M. E. Barrett, and R. J. Charbeneau, “Physical Modeling Study on Hydraulic Performance of Rectangular Deck”, Proceeding of American Society of Civil Engineering EWRI Congress Conference, p1523-1535, May, 2012, Albuquerque, NM.
  22. Qian, Q., Chanachok Chokwitthaya, Jerry Lin, Jack Hopper, and Thomas Ho, “Effect of Acid Deposition On Water Acidity and Sediment Loading in the Upper Rio Grande River Sub-Basin”, Poster Presentation, Sea and Land Grant Conference, Feb. 2012, Portland, OG.
  23. Qian, Q., Parajuli, B., Prinsloo, L., Lin, J., Hopper, J., and Ho, T., “Effect of Airborne Deposition on Water Acidity in the Rio Grande River Basin”, Oral Presentation, American Society of Chemical Engineering Conference, October, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
  24. Santosh V. Khonde, Qin Qian, “Hydraulic performance of the bridge deck drain”, Oral Presentation, American Society of Engineering Education Gulf Southeast annual conference, March 2011, Houston, TX.
  25. Qin Qian, Jerry Lin, Hsing-wei Chu, Paul Chiou, and Thomas Ho, “Assessment and Modeling the Effect of Airborne Deposition on the Acidity of the Rio Grande River”, Poster Presentation, Sea and Land Grant Conference, January 31-Februay 1, 2011, Washington D. C.
  26. Thomas Ho, Qian, Q., Lin, J., Chu, H., Chiou, P. and Ho, T., “The Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Water Quality in Rio Grande Basin Watershed”, Oral Presentation, Rio Grande Basin Initiatives, May 2010, Alpine, TX.
  27. Qian, Q., Parajuli, B., Lin, J., Chu, H., Chiou, P. and Ho, T., “Assessment of the Impact of Airborne Particulate Pollutants on the Water Quality in Rio Grande Basin Watershed”, Poster Presentation, Sea and Land Grant Conference, Feb 21-25. 2010, Hilton Head, SC.
  28. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., “Solute Transfer by Pressure Induced Flows into the Sediment Beds of Streams and Lakes”, Oral Presentation, American Water Resource Association Fall Conference, Nov., 2008, New Orleans, LA.
  29. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., “Solute Transfer by Advective Flows into the Sediment Beds of Streams and Lakes”, Poster Presentation, Minnesota Supercomputing Institution, April, 2008, Minneapolis, MN.
  30. Qian, Q., Voller, V. and Stefan, H., “Enhancement of solute transfer into riverbed by wave motion and hyporheic flow”, Poster Presentation, American Geology Union (AGU) Fall meeting, December, 2005, San Francisco, CA.