Assistant Professor of Biology
Office: 205-11 Hayes Biology Building
Phone: 409-880-7458
2014 Ph.D. in Ecology, Colorado State University
2006 M.S. in Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University
2003 B.S. in Wildlife and Range Resources, Brigham Young University
Ecology (BIOL 4460/5460)
Limnology (BIOL 4430/5430)
Aquatic Entomology (4480/5480)
Anatomy and Physiology 1 (BIOL 2401)
Graduate Seminar (BIOL 5110)
Christensen, A. B., K. O. Radivojevich, and M. I. Pyne. 2017. Effects of CO2, pH and temperature on respiration and regeneration in the burrowing brittle stars Hemipholis cordifera and Microphiopholis gracillima. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 495: 13-23 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.05.012)
Pyne, M. I., D. M. Carlisle, C. P .Konrad, and E. D. Stein. 2017. Classification of California streams using combined deductive and inductive approaches: setting the foundation for analysis of hydrologic alteration. Ecohydrology: DOI: 10.1002/eco.1802
Pyne, M. I., and N. L. Poff. 2017. Vulnerability of stream community composition and function to projected thermal warming and hydrologic change across ecoregions in the western United States. Global Change Biology 23 (1): 77-93 (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13437).
Poff, N. L., M. I. Pyne, B. P. Bledsoe, C. C. Cuhaciyan, and D. M. Carlisle. 2010. Developing linkages between species traits and multiscaled environmental variation to explore vulnerability of stream benthic communities to climate change. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:1441-1458.
Pyne, M. I., K. M. Byrne, K. A. Holfelder, L. Mcmanus, M. Buhnerkempe, N. Burch, E. Childers, S. Hamilton, G. Schroeder, and P. F. Doherty. 2010. Survival and breeding transitions for a reintroduced bison population: a multistate approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1463-1471.
Webb, C. T., J. A. Hoeting, G. M. Ames, M. I. Pyne, and N. L. Poff. 2010. A hierarchical and dynamic framework to advance traits-based theory and prediction in ecology. Ecology Letters 13: 267-283.
Pyne, M. I., R. B. Rader, and W. F. Christensen. 2007. Predicting local biological characteristics in streams: a comparison of landscape classifications. Freshwater Biology 52:1302-1321.