Mathematics Minor/Double Major in Mathematics

For all the hard sciences (computer science, chemistry, engineering, and physics), adding a minor in mathematics usually only requires one or two additional courses and adding a double major often requires only three or four additional courses. Employers often look very favorably on these extra degrees.

Mathematics Minor

A Minor in Mathematics requires 21 hours of mathematics from the courses listed below, including at least 6 hours at the 3000-4000 level.  All courses in the minor must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.  A student may not be granted a minor in both Mathematics and Statistics.

MATH 2318, 2413, 2414, 2415, 3301, 3321, 3322, 3370, or any course above 3370 excluding Math 4321.

If you would like to have a Mathematics Minor or are considering a Mathematics Minor, all you need to do is come over to the Mathematics Department (Lucas 200) to discuss the courses that will be best suited for you to take in order to fulfill the requirements with a Mathematics advisor.

Statistics Minor

A Minor in Statistics requires 20 hours of mathematics from courses listed below, including at least 9 hours at the 3000-4000 level.  All courses in the minor must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.  A student may not be granted a Minor in both Mathematics and Statistics. For mathematics majors, no more than 6 credit hours may be listed in both the minor and major requirements section.

Math 1342, 2413, 2414, 3321, 3370, 4313, 4319, 4380

If you would like to have a Statistics Minor or are considering a Statistics Minor, all you need to do is come over to the Mathematics Department (Lucas 200) to discuss the courses that will be best suited for you to take in order to fulfill the requirements with a Mathematics advisor.

Double Major in Mathematics

A double major in mathematics requires not less than 30 hours of mathematics, including a minimum of the 23 core mathematics hours. Certain restrictions apply. For more details on the exact requirements for a double major in mathematics see our catalog

Students who are considering or would like to have a double major in Mathematics should come over the Mathematics Department (Lucas 200) to register with the department and to discuss the courses that will you will need to take in order to fulfill the requirements with a Mathematics advisor.

Dual Degree in Mathematics

In addition to the Minor and Double Major, students studying another discipline may choose to graduate with two full degrees. In order to do this, the student must complete all requirements for both degrees. This is easier than one might think because all the courses from your first major count as electives for the mathematics degree. Thus, one simply has to complete the full number of mathematics hours to earn the complete dual degree. Depending on the degree, this is between 31 and 40 hours of mathematics