Staff Council Call for Nominations

Staff Council is seeking nominations for representatives to serve, beginning September 2024. If you believe that you or someone you know would be a great addition to our organization, please complete the nomination form below.

All nominations should be received by August 2, 2024.


  • Benefits eligible, full-time staff employee
  • Below the rank of all levels of Vice President
  • Employed no less that one year at Lamar University

  • Attend monthly Council meetings
  • Actively participate on one or more Council committees
  • Disseminate information from Council meetings to staff within your representative area(s)
  • Interact with staff to ensure that concerns, suggestions, or ideas are brought forth for appropriate action



Athletics 1 member needed
Center for Academic Success 1 member needed
Distance Education 1 member needed
Facilities Management  4 members needed
Higher Education Partnership 1 member needed
Human Resources 1 member needed
Information Technology 2 members needed
Logistical Support 1 member needed
Marketing Communications 1 member needed
University Advancement 1 member needed
Accreditation & Assessement 1 member needed
Center for Midstream Management 1 member needed
Graduate Studies 1 member needed
International Student Services 1 member needed
Planning & Construction 1 member needed
Research & Development 1 member needed
Risk Management 1 member needed
Undergraduate Research 1 member needed