November 15, 2021

Monday, 11/15/2021
Reaud and Virtual via Teams
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting   

Date: November 15, 2021  

Time: 3:30 p.m.  

Place: Reaud 202 & Virtual via Teams  

UUCC Minutes 11-15-2021  

Attending: Penny Clark—Library Services, Cynthia Cummings—Education and Human Development, Ashwini Kucknoor—Arts and Sciences, Stefan Andrei—CID rep, Garrick (Brad) Harden—Arts and Sciences, Donna S. Azodi-- Education and Human Development, Tracy Benson—Engineering, Connie S. Ruiz—Education and Human Development, Qin Qian--Engineering, Jimmy Bryan—Arts and Sciences, Randy Yoder—Arts and Sciences, Ricardo Salvador Tovar-Silos - Business, Melissa Riley-Faculty Senate, Alberto Marquez – Engineering 

Absent:  Sara Pace Hillin—Arts and Sciences, Jamie H. Azios—Fine Arts and Communication, O’Brien Stanley-Fine Arts & Communication, Tim Dueppen-Fine Arts & Communication, LeAnn Chisholm-Arts and Sciences, Tiffany Tran – SGA Representative  

Ex-Officio: Theresa Hefner-Babb—SACSCOC Liaison, James Nelson—Arts and Sciences CC Chair, David Short--Registrar Kayla Holloway—UAC 

Ex-Officio Absent: Kurt Dyrhaug—Fine Arts and Communication CC Chair, Dann Brown – Associate Provost, Liv Haselbach—Engineering CC Chair, Toni Mulvaney—Business CC Chair, Belinda Lopez-E & HD, CC Chair 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher Tucker  

Guests: None 

Via Proxy: None  

Presiding: Garrick Harden   

Call to Order: 3:30    

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the September 20, 2021 meeting were approved unanimously.   

Curriculum Reviewed:  

  1. GEOL 4303 ADDITION  

This course addition is to move a course from the junior to senior level. The same course will be offered at the graduate level. Questions that were raised included: 

Is the new course identical to the junior course that is being deleted? 

How different is the new GEOL 4303 from the same course at the graduate level? 

Can we examine the graduate syllabus? 

Garrick Harden proposed that action on this item be tabled until the Council can get more information including the graduate syllabus. 

Action Tabled  

  1. B.S. in Computer & Information Science Degree Program 

This is a change in the degree plan to modify the requirement for a course in either Artificial Intelligence or Compilers to a course in one of the following: Cybersecurity, Network Security, or Secure Software Engineering. 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Stefan Andrei , seconded by Donna Azodi. The motion passed.  

  1. HIST 4348 CHANGE  

This change is to expand the time period covered by the course. The title will be             changed from Victorian England (1815-1914) to Modern Britain (1714-2016). 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Randy Yoder, seconded by Tracy Benson. The motion passed.  

  1. COMM 3379 DELETE 

This class was to be deleted because another class covers the same skills. After discussion, Garrick Harden proposed that action on this item be tabled until the Council can examine the syllabus of the course that will be replacing skills learned in COMM 3379. 

Action Tabled  

  1. MULB 1175 CHANGE 

The course title will be changed from Marching Band – Majors to Marching Band (description identifies course as open to all students who qualify). The contact hours were filled in as “3” (indicating 3 hours per week). The contact hours should be listed as “45” to indicate total hours for the whole course. 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Garrick Harden, seconded by Cynthia Cummings with the condition that the contact hours on the form be changed from 3 to 45. The motion passed.  

  1. MULB 3175 CHANGE 

The course title will be changed from Marching Band II for Majors to Marching Band II (description indicates course is open to all students who qualify). The contact hours were filled in as “3” (indicating 3 hours per week). The contact hours should be listed as “45” to indicate total hours for the whole course. 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Garrick Harden, seconded by Donna Azodi with the condition that the contact hours on the form be changed from 3 to 45. The motion passed.          

  1. BIOL 4307 CHANGE  

The purpose of this change is to add appropriate prerequisites. 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Randy Yoder, seconded by Tracy Benson. The motion passed. 

  1. BIOL 4403 CHANGE  

The purpose of this change is to add appropriate prerequisites. 

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Tracy Benson, seconded by Qin Qian. The motion passed.  

  1. BIOL 4451 CHANGE

The purpose of this change is to add appropriate prerequisites.   

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Garrick Harden, seconded by Tracy Benson. The motion passed.  

  1. ELEN 3328 CHANGE  

The purpose of this change is to add appropriate prerequisites.   

Motion to approve course change was proposed by Cynthia Cummings, seconded by Qin Qian. The motion passed.  

  1. BS/ME Civil Engineering Degree Program  
  1. BS/MES Civil Engineering Degree Program  
  1. BS/MS Environmental Engineering Degree Program  

          The three items above were considered together. The proposals are being considered by both the Graduate Council and the UUCC. The accelerated Master’s Degree programs will allow undergraduate students to apply dual credit (maximum of 6 hours) to the Master’s Degree Program, thus, allowing a student to complete both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in five years. 

  Motion to approve the proposals was made by Donna Azodi, seconded by Qin Qian. The motion passed. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Donna Azodi, seconded by Qin Qian 

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 

Next Meeting: December 6, 2021  

Respectfully submitted, 

Connie Swenson Ruiz, College of Education and Human Development