September 20, 2021

Monday, 09/20/2021
Teams email vote
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting  

Date:  Sept. 20, 2021 Time:  3:30 p.m.  

UUCC Minutes 09-20-2021 

Email Vote   

Attending: Garrick Harden (Arts & Sciences), Stefan Andrei (CID), Melissa Riley (Faculty Senate), Ricardo Tovar-Silos (Busines), Alberto Marquez (Engineering), Qin Qian (Engineering), Donna Azodi (Education & Human Development), Connie Ruiz (Education & Human Development), Howard Yoder (Arts & Sciences), Tim Dueppen (Fine Arts & Communication) Jimmy Bryan (Arts & Sciences), Tracy Benson (Engineering), Sara Pace Hillin (Arts & Sciences), Ashwini Kucknoor (Arts & Sciences), Cindy Cummings (Education & Human Development), O’Brien Stanley (Fine Arts & Communication), 

Via Proxy:  None 

Absent: Penny Clark (Library), LeAnn Chisholm (Arts & Sciences), Jamie Azios (Fine Arts & Communication) 

Ex-Officio: James Nelson (Chair, A & S), Theresa Hefner-Babb (SACSCOC Liaison), Toni Mulvaney (Chair, BUS), Dann Brown (Associate Provost) 

Ex-Officio Absent: Kurt Dyrhaug (Chair, FA & Comm), Liv Haselbach (Chair, Engineering), Belinda Lopez (Chair, E & HD), Kayla Holloway (Director UAC), David Short (Registrar) 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Tucker 

Guests: None  

Presiding: Garrick Harden  

Call to Order: 3:30 pm  

Garrick Harden opened the meeting.  

Approval of Minutes: Minutes were approved unanimously.  

  • GEOL 3303 – Donna Azodi and Cindy Cummings mentioned this course document reports a decision to delete this course number and change it to 4301. Does this change require a course addition to added the changed course number? Alberto Marquez seconded this question of needing a course addition form when the course is deleted. Garrick Harden asked a further question if a course change form would be correct instead of a course deletion form. Theresa Hefner-Babb indicated a Course Change form should have been used and a new syllabi submitted since the courses are moving from 3000 to 4000 level. Randall Yoder added if justification is needed when changing to more advanced course numbers, 3000 to 4000. 

Motion to approve course deletion was proposed by Ashwini Kucknoor, seconded by Garrick Harden. After discussion Garrick revised motion to approve with changes after form is replaced by correct form was proposed by Garrick Harden. The motion passes. 

  • GEOL 3311 – Donna Azodi and Cindy Cummings mentioned this course document reports a decision to delete this course number and change it to 4311. Does this change require a course addition to added the changed course number? Alberto Marquez seconded this question of needing a course addition form when the course is deleted. Garrick Harden asked a further question if a course change form would be correct instead of a course deletion form. Theresa Hefner-Babb indicated a Course Change form should have been used and a new syllabi submitted since the courses are moving from 3000 to 4000 level. Randall Yoder added if justification is needed when changing to more advanced course numbers, 3000 to 4000. 

Motion to approve course deletion was proposed by Ashwini Kucknoor, seconded by Garrick Harden. After discussion Garrick revised motion to approve with changes after form is replaced by correct form was proposed by Garrick Harden. The motion passes. 

  • Certificate in Business Analytics proposal – Donna Azodi and Cindy Cummings asked where the course addition forms and course syllabi? There is not sufficient documentation. Ricardo Tovar-Silos responded, last year a Minor in Business Analytics was approved by this committee. In one of our meetings, Dr. Dann Brown suggested we also put together a proposal for a Certificate.  This is the proposal that it is now presented. Do we still need to submit course addition forms and syllabi?Theresa Hefner-Babb added that the certificate is repackaging courses that are already in the inventory and approved. That is why you do not have syllabi to review. This will be an internal certificate because the SCH of the certificate do not require permission beyond the TSUS Board of Regents. 

Motion to approve certificate was proposed by Ashwini Kucknoor, seconded by Garrick Harden. All voted in favor of the motion, and the motion passed. 

Next Meeting –December 6 

Adjourn: Email adjournment on Tuesday, September 21 at 9:30am by O’Brien Stanley.  

Respectfully submitted: Aida Tucker, Associate Provost’s office