June 25, 2018

Monday, 06/25/2018
John Gray Library Room 717
Submitted By:
Boyd Lanier/tk

Attending: Boyd Lanier, Paul Hemenway, Joe Nordgren (ex-officio), Stefan Andrei, Kami Makki, Debbie Troxclair, Larry Osborne, Zanthia Smith, Tammye Knowles (UUCC Record Keeper).  Via Proxy: Mamta Singh, Brad Harden, Michael Saar, Qingjiang Yao.

Call to order: 3:30 p.m.

Approval of minutes: Boyd Lanier requested minutes from the last meeting be deferred to the next meeting to allow absent members an opportunity to correct them.

New Business:

Items needing Board of Regents Approval

MATH 2318 Linear Algebra Course Addition, form corrections made; syllabus—move Attendance section; add textbook ISBN; remove redundant “Be Able to”. No policy suggestions-cosmetic changes only
  1. Motion to approve with corrections: K. Makki
  2. Seconded: Z. Smith
  3. Motion passed

MATH 3328 Linear Algebra I Course Deletion
  1. Motioned to approve: B. Lanier
  2. Seconded: S. Andrei
  3. Motion passed

MATH 2415 Calculus III, form corrections made; syllabus—move Attendance, add ISBN; typo in learning outcomes and Honesty Policy.
  1. Motion to approve with corrections: L. Osborne
  2. Seconded: P. Hemenway
  3. Motion passed

MATH 3435 Calculus III Course Deletion

  1. Motion to approve: L. Osborne
  2. Seconded: P. Hemenway
  3. Motion passed

BIOL 2230 Evolutionary Biology; form needs description on form; needs justification. Syllabus: rearrange items on course syllabus; needs prerequisites on course syllabus under course description; followed by textbook. Suggest adding a scale of points. Students with Disability and Academic Honesty policy titles need to change. Academic Continuity statement needs to be moved.
  1. Motion to approve with corrections: P. Hemenway
  2. Seconded: B. Lanier
  3. Motion passed

BIOL 4412 Molecular Genetics; form: Capital in the word course; question re: contact hours; prerequisites need to be change to a course with a fixed number. Syllabus: items need to be rearranged; course description, add prerequisite, materials and textbooks; need reword course objective to student learning outcomes; Learning objectives in  bullet list; delete the word lecture from lecture exam; suggest adding scale; remove apostrophe in cell phone usage wording; attendance policy does not have consequences; disruptive behavior section needs amending/clarification and needs to be phrased positively; class cannot lose rewards because of one student’s behavior; be consistent with policies

  1. Motion to return to dept: P. Hemenway
  2. Seconded: Z. Smith
  3. Motion passed

CPSC 4361 Secure Software Engineering; form no correction. Syllabus; course description needs to match Course form; add minimum grade C to prerequisites and course description; rearrange items in syllabus; academic continuity statement needs to be moved to the end; students with disability policy does not match template; needs to be updated. Consequences for attendance needs to be more specific of what is poor attendance (more than 5 unexcused absences) will cost you the 10% penalty.

  1. Motion to approve with corrections: K. Makki
  2. Seconded: Z. Smith
  3. Motion passed

MATH 0372 Foundations in Precalculus: form; generic prerequisites and prerequisites on the syllabus needs to match. Syllabus; take date out of the middle of the title; moved textbook information under course description and prerequisite

  1. Motion to approve with corrections: S. Andrei
  2. Seconded: L. Osborne
  3. Motion passed

CRMA 0372 Course Deletion

  1. Motion to approve with corrections: Stefan Andrei
  2. Seconded: Boyd Lanier
  3. Motion passed

MATH 3350 Modern Algebra Groups: form; added CIP Code. Syllabus; move textbook info under course description and prereqs; add ISBN; 1 point not 1 points;

  1. Motion to approve with corrections: S. Andrei
  2. Seconded: K. Makki
  3. Motion passed

MATH 3351 Modern Algebra II Rings: form and syllabus; changes the same as Math 3350

  1. Motion to approve with corrections: S. Andrei
  2. Seconded: L. Osborne
  3. Motion passed

Discussion of changes that don’t require Board Approval will possibly be sent out via email and have committee members review and make comments via email: email balloting used last summer.

Motion to adjourn: S. Andrei; seconded by K. Makki. Motion carried.