April 16, 2018

Monday, 04/16/2018
John Gray Library Room 717
Submitted By:
Mamta Singh and Boyd Lanier/tk

Attending:  Boyd Lanier, Michael Saar, Mamta Singh, Qinjiang Yao, Zanthia Smith, Melissa Riley, Joe Nordgren (ex-officio), Theresa Hefner Babb (ex-officio), David Short (ex-officio), Tammye Knowles (UUCC Records), Via Proxy: Eileen Curl, B. G. Harden, John McCollough, Debbie Troxclair, Qin Qian, Paul Hemenway

Call to Order: 3:30 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  Zan Smith made a motion omit reading and approve the minutes of the last meeting. Michael Saar seconded the motion, and minutes were unanimously approved.

New Business: 

8 Degree plans have been submitted by the Department of Communications and Media.

1 B.S. COMM in Advertising

Watermark/footnote for ALL degree plans says 2014.
COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374 or approval, can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
MKTG 4360 prerequisites include ACCT 2302 & BUAL 3320 - neither in plan. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
ECON 1301 may be difficult to obtain for majors as it is not taught in large numbers of sections.
BUAL 2310 prerequisite is MATH 1325 prerequisite is MATH 1314.
COMM 4390 is option in two places, can count only in one.
General electives should read 6-12 Advanced.

2  B.S. COMM in Broadcasting

COMM 3326 prerequisites include COMM 2303. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
In the Broadcasting section, a choice between 2302 or 3303 is offered. However, multiple courses on the plan require 2303 as a prerequisite. It is not really a choice, unless 2303 is taken as part of the general electives.
Advanced hours in the Broadcasting major says ‘9-18 advanced’, should read ‘15-18 advanced’ and General Electives says ‘minimum 3 hours advanced’, should read ‘6-15 hours advanced’.
COMM 2374 Prereq. Is COMM 2303 or approval.
COMM 3383 Prereq. Is COMM 2303 or approval.
COMM 3380 Prereq. Is COMM 2303 or approval.


3 B.S. COMM in Corporate Communication

COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 4342 prerequisites include 3360. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 4360 is titled here as Comm Theory not its actual name (Research Methods Communications). Most other plans list 4390 Comm Theory.
COMM 4362 Prereq. Is COMM 3360 which is NOT in Banner (see David’s email on this problem).
COMM 4370 Prereq. Is COMM 3360 (see above), or COMM 4310 (optional and might be skipped by student even though available on plan), or COMM 4383 (optional, see above)
COMM 3385 Prereq. Is COMM 2374 or approval.


4 B.S. COMM in Corporate Communication AP

The AP version cannot be different from the residential version of this plan except in that it can offer fewer choices. It appears they have handled this part correctly.
COMM 4362 Prereq. (see above)
COMM 4370 Prereq. (see above)


5 B.S. COMM Film & Theater Studies

COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 9 hours of general electives.
THEA 2336 Prereq. Is THEA 1351 and 1352 (not in Banner) THEA Elective can be used for this?
THEA 3380 Prereq. Is THEA 1330 (not on plan), 1331 (on plan) and 1352 (not in Banner) Use the second THEA elective for this?
THEA 4340 Not in Banner although THEA 4345 has the same title “Acting for the Camera”
THEA 4390 has wrong title although 4385 is “Artist Driven Work”
COMM 4360 Wrong number? (see above) 4390 is Theory
COMM 4362 title is actually Film Directors
Taking Minimum advanced hours in each field leaves 12 advanced needed to make 45 overall. These would have to be in the General area and there are only 9 hours remaining there. None are not reserved for advanced hours. The only way around this it would seem would be to reduce the number of lower level electives in a field so that students cannon need more than 9 advanced all of which could be taken in the General category.


6 B.S. COMM in Film Studies 

COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 4397 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 4395 and 4396 are both topics courses and while certain topics are listed, are they Required by that name or will ANY topic suffice? Statements at the bottom tell students that the topics “include” certain subjects but do you intend those to be the only topics acceptable in this degree plan?
COMM 4360 Wrong number? (see above) 4390 is Theory
COMM 2374 Prereq. Is COMM 2303 or approval.
Film studies section should read “15-18 advanced”
General electives section should read “9-18 advanced”


7 B.S. COMM in Journalism

COMM 3385 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 3130 prerequisites include COMM 2374. Can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 2374 prerequisites include COMM 2303 or approval. Elective course and can be taken in 24 hours of general electives.
COMM 4390 is on the plan twice (both choose _, so maybe a non-issue)
COMM 4395 and 4396 are both topics courses and while certain topics are listed, are they Required by that name or will ANY topic suffice? Statements at the bottom tell students that the topics “include” certain subjects but do you intend those to be the only topics acceptable in this degree plan?
COMM 4360 Wrong number? (see above) 4390 is Theory


8 B.S. COMM in Journalism Teaching Certification

COMM 3130 prerequisites COMM 1307, which is not on the plan. There are 21 hours of electives built in, so this can be addressed there.
Probably a typo: MATH 1324 is not in Banner but MATH 1342 Stats is.
BUAL 2310 in the Math Core Prereq. Is MATH 1325 which has a prereq. of MATH 1314.
Professional Development section should read “18 Advanced”


Motion to return plans to Department (correction made 10-11-18: Motion to accept with changes) by Qinjiang Yao, second by Michael Saar to:

  • put some prerequisites into the COMM core
  • work out language regarding 4360 and 4390
  • to work out other differences with the department
  • present results at next meeting
  • Accepted friendly amendment by Boyd Lanier to deal with all 8 hidden prerequisites.
  • Motion carried.

Old Business:

MEEN 2374

  • Put ISBN in for text.
  • Move Student Learning Outcomes to front page.
  • Motion to Accept with Changes was made by Michael Saar, seconded by Boyd Lanier.
  • Motion carried.


Adjournment:  Motion made to adjourn meeting at 5:00 pm by Michael Saar, Qinjiang Yao seconded. Motion approved.

Next Meeting:  Next regularly scheduled meeting will be on 5-21-18.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mamta Singh and Boyd Lanier