March 18, 2019

Monday, 03/18/2019
John Gray Library room 625
Submitted By:
E Born

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2019
Meeting start time: 1:00
Meeting Adjourned: 1:45
Location: John Gray Library Room 625

Attendees: Emily Born, Gary Rash, Matthew Pyne, Stacie Granger

Not in Attendance: Sara Gubala

The meeting was called to order by Emily Born, Research compliance Specialist.  A brief introduction was given between members.  A copy of the updated policies and procedures as well as a sample IACUC application form were given for members to provide feedback.  An overall explanation of the purpose of the Committee and function was given. Some members were able to provide a little bit of overall history of this committee.  The discussion of the addition of a veterinarian was discussed, and Emily Born stated that she will still be contacting various vets within the community to see if one would volunteer to represent this role. She plans to contact them this week.

The committee decided that meeting 2 times per year is adequate at this time, and if necessary expedited reviews of protocols should be allowed via email.  Changes to protocols can also be voted on via email if minor. 

Dr. Matthew Pyne stated that in biology he knew of only one professor who may be working with vertebrate animals- fish and frogs specifically.  Emily Born will contact Dr. Yoder in Biology to check to see if a protocol needs to be submitted via the IACUC.  The discussion of possible facility inspection was brought up, and this will be done if necessary via the compliance specialist and or other committee members.

Mr. Gary Rash of EHS discussed that procurement provides him information about purchases related to chemicals and biohazards. He plans to forward any animal related possible purchases to Emily Born for review. 

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.