October 17, 2018

Wednesday, 10/17/2018
Graduate Studies, Wimberly 219
Submitted By:


October 17, 2018


The Graduate Council of Lamar University met in the in the Wimberly Building, Room 219D, Conference Area, at 1:30 p.m. Dr. William Harn, Dean of Graduate Studies, presided. Dr. Ruthie Robinson, Dr. Tracy Benson, Dr. Dorothy Sisk, Dr. Nick Rissman, and Dr. Jay Young Choi. Theresa Heffner-Babb, Dr Lula Henry, Dr. Millicent Musyoka, Dr. Brenda Nichols, Dr. James Slaydon, and Dr. Liv Haselbach also attended.



The September (#444) meeting minutes were reviewed by the Graduate Council. Dr. Benson motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.






College of Fine Arts and Communication/College of Education

Dr. Millicent Musyoka and Dr. Lula Henry presented before the Graduate Council the discovery of the Pedagogy course, School Law, is no longer offered. The department of Deaf Education is submitting a request to the Graduate Council to have this course reinstated in their degree plan. Dr. Sisk motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Robinson seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


College of Business

Dr. James Slaydon for Department of Finance presented to change the language in the current Graduate policy involving the comprehensive exams. By updating the policy currently written so that the departments will have the option to administer a comprehensive exam or capstone course will leave more options open instead of having students do both. Dr. Sisk motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Rissman seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


College of Engineering

Dr. Liv Haselbach, Chair and Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, presented to the Graduate Council a request to modify MSEV and MSVS. The revisions would allow MSEV to have up to 3 credit hours of the 5000-level electives taken as part of the BSCE program and counted as credit toward the degree requirement. The thesis hours in both programs may be replaced by 6 semester hours of electives. Dr. Benson motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Rissman seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


Additional Discussions

Graduate Faculty Review Committee Discussion on Procedures and Standards. Dr. Harn presented a change in the Procedures and Standards that will change the current “Recommendation of Department Graduate Faculty” by dissolving this requirement. Dr.

Robinson motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


Conclusion: The next meeting is on Wednesday, November 28. 2018, at 1:30 p.m. in the Wimberly Bldg., Room 219D, Conference Area.