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Wimberly Honored With Program

Wimberly Receives Gift
Wimberly Receives Gift

May 27, 1946

Business Manager Completes 20th Year

In appreciation of his 20 years of service to Lamar College, Thursday, May 16, was observed as G.A. Wimberly Day, with a special assembly in the Union building. Mr. Wimberly is the third faculty member to achieve this distinction, the other two were Miss Mary Campbell and Mr. O. B. Archer.

Mr. Archer served as master of ceremonies. Dr. Lawrence Meteyarde opened the program with musical selections. Dean F. S. “Spud” Braden spoke on “The Life and Times of G. A. Wimberly.”

Taking part in the program also were Mrs. Wimberly; President of the Board, Matt Love, Sr., and President of the college, John Gray who presented Mr. Wimberly with a solid gold watch on be half of the faculty and board. Compliments and appreciation were forthcoming from all of the speakers in honor of Mr. Wimberly’s 20 years of faithful service.

Mr. Wimberly, business manager at Lamar is a graduate of Texas University. Previously he studied at East Texas State Teachers College where he received his B. S. degree and was a five letter man. He was captain of three major sports in one year. He came to Lamar directly after leaving college. At old South Park junior college he was assistant football coach and head basketball coach. Mr. Wimberly is a member of the board of stewards of the First Methodist Church.

In his private life he has many likings toward outdoor life. His chief hobbies are golf, when time permits, (unquote), fishing, which is excellent, (Mr. Braden says) and hunting. When it comes to agriculture, he likes to raise flowers and he raises the most delectable strawberries. He is married and had two children, Francis Ann, 11 and G. A., Jr., 6. According to the faculty and Miss Kitchen, he is the most mischievous person on the campus. Mr. Wimberly has a pleasing personality and he loves to be around people. It would be an asset to anyone’s acquainteship to know Mr. Wimberly’s personality.

Compiled from the archives By Ja'Leigh Cerf.

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