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Valentine’s Day is Overrated

graphicStores everywhere were filled with candy hearts, flowers and plush teddy bears as they stockpiled their shelves in preparation for the day of love before people could even say, “Happy New Year.” Current romantic partners use Valentine’s Day to give presents and fancy restaurant reservations to avoid the accusations of not celebrating hard enough — of not being romantic.

Couples everywhere fall for the ploy of equating love with gifts — preferably expensive gifts. This, along with many other reasons, is what makes Valentine’s holiday overrated.

Based on St. Valentine from Ancient Rome, Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world. But the holiday isn’t as purely about love – the true meaning of the holiday is capitalism wrapped up in a pink bow.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday with no usefulness in society. In fact, it is a nuisance. Restaurants are sold out and prices are through the roof, forcing the poor lovers to waste their hard-earned cash and time. People who even think of trying to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day have to wait for ages for a table for one, with couples reserving their seats way in advance just so they don’t have to wait three hours for a spot. 

The holiday relies so much on people spending money, benefitting only those who can afford it. So only the wealthy can really be in love, right? People who can’t afford to buy flowers, sweets, or stuffed animals for their significant other end up being screwed over by the overt capitalism drilled into the mentality of society. 

Valentine’s also overshadows people who do not have romantic partners. In fact, we are shamed for being single. We don’t appreciate the constant reminder of our nonexistent romantic relationships. The surge of romantic gifts laid out at the front of the grocery stores can cause loneliness as we feel singled out for not having anyone to celebrate with.

It also overlooks people who are born on Valentine’s Day. My father and my best friend were both born on the “day of love.” As a result, they get ignored in favor of the all the “loving” going on around them. Growing up, my family has never been able to go out to eat on my father’s actual birthday because, unless we want to drive through a burger joint, there’s nowhere available. For me, Valentine’s Day is more about their birthdays than romance. 

There is also nothing wrong with people who aren’t in a romantic relationship celebrating with friends, family, or by themselves. And don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently bad about people in romantic relationships celebrating the holiday in any way they choose.

I just wish they’d keep it to themselves. Besides, couples should remember there are 364 other days out of the year they can show their love for each other. And they’re cheaper.

Category: Opinion