ACES Program

Lamar University is committed to providing our students with a quality educational experience that fully prepares them for life after college. Our faculty are preparing the leaders of tomorrow.

Graduates of LU are taught to think critically using empirical and quantitative methods and communicate effectively while leading or working as part of a team. In addition, our graduates realize that personal and social responsibility are important for the future of Texas, the U.S. and beyond.

As part of the SACS accreditation process, LU is focused on enhancing the content delivery in all core and developmental courses by implementing active and collaborative teaching and learning strategies. The Active and Collaborative Engagement for Students (ACES) program was created from recommendations of the Quality Enhancement Plan Development Committee (QEP). The QEP Manual is available.

The ACES mission is focused on enhancing faculty understanding of the importance of active and collaborative learning for student engagement and student success and enhancing faculty skill at utilizing innovative educational pedagogies. As an initiative of the Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement, the ACES Fellows program promotes the development of the classroom into a student‐centered learning environment.