March 23, 2015

Monday, 03/23/2015
Room 717, Mary and John Gray Library
Submitted By:
Christy Swanson

Call to order at 3:38 p.m.

Attending: Joe Kemble, Lula Henry, Boyd Lanier, Zanthia Smith, Nicki Michalski, Christy Swanson, Judy Mann, David Short, Tony Martin, Daniel Bartlett

Since we are short of quorum, members will be contacted via email for votes on issues.

Approval of Minutes: Joe Kemble made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Boyd Lanier seconded the motion. It was carried.

New Business:

  1. ELEN 4355, course addition: There are several issues with the course as proposed.
    1. The special needs information is encompassed in the DRC statement and is unnecessary.
    2. The final line of the DRC policy needs to be included.
    3. The honor code statement needs to be clarified. The group was unsure about what was meant by work with a group but submit own work.
    4. Lula Henry makes a motion to approve the course with the corrections specified. Boyd Lanier seconds the motion. The motion is approved.
  2. ELEN 4356, course addition: There are several issues with the course as proposed.
    1. The special needs information is encompassed in the DRC statement and is unnecessary.
    2. The final line of the DRC policy needs to be included.
    3. The honor code statement needs to be clarified. The group was unsure about what was meant by work with a group but submit own work.
    4. Spell out the word system on the title of form and syllabus.
    5. Boyd Lanier makes a motion to approve the course with the corrections specified. Lula Henry seconds the motion. The motion is approved.
  3. ELEN 4357, course addition: There are several issues with the course as proposed:
    1. The special needs information is encompassed in the DRC statement and is unnecessary.
    2. The final line of the DRC policy needs to be included.
    3. The honor code statement needs to be clarified. The group was unsure about what was meant by work with a group but submit own work.
    4. There needs to be some clarification regarding the labs. Are they online? Is the course actually a hybrid? Also, the lab component is not marked on the form.
    5. Office hours need to be designated on the syllabus.
    6. The date on the syllabus and form should be the same.
    7. Joe Kemble makes a motion that the course be returned for changes. Zanthia Smith seconded the motion, and it is approved.
  4. GEOL 3311, course addition: There are several issues with the course as proposed.
    1. Spell out GIS.
    2. The “order directly” statement needs to be removed from the syllabus.
    3. The graduate level CRN needs to be removed from the syllabus.
    4. Office hours need to be specified on the syllabus.
    5. The syllabus needs to include student learning outcomes.
    6. Change course goals to course description.
    7. The academic honesty policy needs to be more specific.
    8. Principles is misspelled on the form.
    9. Lula Henry makes a motion that the proposal be returned. Joe Kemble seconds the motion. A friendly amendment is made and accepted that the syllabus needs to be updated. The motion is approved.
  5. GEOL 3315, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The course number on the syllabus does not match the number on the form.
    2. The DRC information needs to be updated.
    3. The pre-requisites need to be listed on the syllabus.
    4. More detail needs to be included in the academic honesty policy.
    5. Change learning outcomes to course description.
    6. Add learning outcomes.
    7. Update the syllabus.
    8. Joe Kemble makes a motion to return the proposal. Zanthia Smith seconds the motion. It is approved.
  6. GEOL 3316, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The course number on the syllabus and form does not match.
    2. The syllabus needs to include learning outcomes.
    3. The syllabus needs to include office hours.
    4. The academic honesty policy needs to be more specific.
    5. The list of necessary materials needs to be clarified.
    6. The grading scale needs more information (points available, etc.).
    7. The syllabus needs to be updated.
    8. Lula Henry makes a motion to return the proposal. Joe Kemble seconds the motion, and it is approved.
  7. GEOL 4312, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The type of activity needs to be identified.
    2. The course numbers do not match on the form and syllabus.
    3. The list of necessary materials need to be clarified.
    4. Office hours need to be included on the syllabus.
    5. Course pre-requisites need to be included on the syllabus.
    6. Learning objectives need to be included on the syllabus.
    7. The course description needs to be included on the syllabus.
    8. The syllabus needs to be updated.
    9. Joe Kemble makes a motion to return the proposal. Zanthia Smith seconds the motion, and it is approved.
  8. GEOL 4314, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The graduate course number needs to be removed.
    2. The course numbers on the form and the syllabus need to match.
    3. There need to be learning outcomes on the syllabus.
    4. The pre-requisites need to be included on the syllabus.
    5. The required materials need to be included on the syllabus.
    6. The academic honesty policy needs to be more specific.
    7. They syllabus needs to be updated.
    8. Zanthia Smith makes a motion to return the proposal. Joe Kemble seconds the motion, and it is approved.
  9. CVEN 1101, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The number of contact hours on the form is wrong.
    2. The DRC statement needs to be updated.
    3. The readings need to be clarified (titles, pages, etc.).
    4. Clarify if this course is intended for the core.
    5. Zanthia Smith makes a motion to approve the course with corrections. Boyd Lanier seconds the motion, and it is approved.
  10. CVEN 4311, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The DRC statement needs to be updated.
    2. The contact hours need to be corrected.
    3. The syllabus needs to include learning outcomes.
    4. Clarify the attendance policy (how is it encouraged?).
    5. There needs to be more information included about the project that is worth 30%.
    6. The emergency policy needs to be fixed.
    7. Lula Henry makes a motion to return the proposal. Zanthia Smith seconds the motion, and it passes.
  11. CVEN 4321, course addition. There are several problems with the course as proposed.
    1. The contact hours need to be corrected.
    2. The DRC statement needs to be updated.
    3. The emergency policy needs to be updated.
    4. The academic continuation policy needs to be included.
    5. Student learning outcomes need to be included.
    6. There needs to be clarification about whether this class is intended for the core.
    7. A motion is made to return the proposal, is seconded and approved.