June 07, 2017

Wednesday, 06/07/2017
Wimberly Building
Submitted By:
Lynlie Jones


June 07, 2017

Special Session


The Graduate Council of Lamar University met in the Wimberly Bldg., conference area, room 219 at 1:30 p.m.  Dr. William Harn, Dean of Graduate Studies, presided.  Dr. Dorothy Sisk, Dr. Jimmy Moss, and Dr. Tracy Benson attended.  Also present was Dr. Bandyopadhyay from the College of Business, Information Systems Department.


Minutes of the April (#435) meeting were reviewed by the Graduate Council.  Dr.  Benson motioned to approve the documents, Dr. Sisk seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


College of Business

Dr. Bandyopadhyay was in attendance from the Information Systems Department to present a proposal for a new degree plan in Management Information Systems.  New course additions MISY 5300 (Database Management Systems), MISY 5310(Information Technology Project Management), MISY 5315(Introduction to Programming for Business), MISY 5320(Information Assurance and Security); and course changes MISY 5330(Healthcare Information Systems), MISY 5340(ERP Overview), MISY 5350(ERP E-Commerce), MISY 5360(Business Intelligence), MISY 5370(Data Mining and Predictive Analytics), MISY 5380(Enterprise Systems/CRM) were also submitted to the Graduate Council.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve with minor mention to the consistency of the syllabi information in the additions regarding the Instructors introduction, Dr. Benson seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.


College of Engineering

Course Changes INEN 5302(Introduction to Port Management), INEN 5304(Risk Analysis and Decision Making), INEN 5306(Freight Transportation Logistics), INEN 5308(Port Security and Resiliency Planning), INEN 5309(Strategic and Facility Master Planning), and INEN 5310(Marine Terminal Operations) in the Department of Port Management were submitted to the Graduate Council for title and description changes.  Dr. Sisk motioned to approve, Dr. Moss seconded the motion, and the Council unanimously approved.



The next meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. in the Wimberly Bldg., Room 219.