March 27, 2019

Wednesday, 03/27/2019
Minutes for CID March 27, 2019
Submitted By:
Liv Haselbach

Minutes for CID March 27, 2019. Reaud 202 3:30 pm
Attendees: Sunny Lei, Jim Sanderson, Mark Mengerink, Jeremy Alm, James Slaydon, Kakoli Bandyopadhyay, Dan Chilek, Debra Troxclair, Liv Haselbach, TC Ho, Donna Meeks, Diane Clark

Guests: Kenneth Evans, Jim Marquart, Ramona Stricklin, Catherine Benson

1. Thank you to Debra for the cookies.
2. Ramona gave a brief presentation on what Audits and Analysis can offer.
-She is part of a 4 person local team that covers LU, LIT and the Orange and Port Arthur Lamars.
They develop annual audit plans. They also prepare audit reports as needed that go to the President and then the Chancellor and farther up the chain. Typical topics that might be investigated are conflicts of interest, undisclosed outside employment, grants management issues, IT access concerns such as easy access to passwords, physical inventory follow-up and ADA compliance. They also manage a hotline (Ethics Point) operated by a 3rd party for reporting any suspected fraud, waste, etc.
- She encourages you to call for advice when you develop a new management process or system to go over and avoid potential vulnerabilities, conflicts, etc.
3. Dr. Evans re-iterated the importance of the strategic planning process at this time as the times and circumstances relating to higher education and Lamar have changed a lot recently.
4. Dr. Marquart emphasized our one-student at a time approach and thanked the chairs for their work in recruitment and retention.
5. Amazing presentation by Catherine Benson Associate VP of Human Resources on Classification and Compensation for Admins. She will distribute a handout under separate cover.
6. You need to go back to your college and get the nominations for FY20 Executive Committee for the next meeting. Please.
7. Roundtable. We discussed some concerns about inconsistencies in service and timely access with the UAC. Liv spoke afterwards with Provost Marquart and will talk to the executive committee to try to arrange a panel on this for the first meeting at the end of the summer to facilitate better communication between the CID and the UAC (August 21 or 28?)

Executive Committee 2018/2019
Liv Haselbach Natalie Tindall Jeremy Alm James Slaydon Dan Chilek

Future CID Meetings and Tentative Topics 2018/2019
Wednesday April 24, 2019
Reaud 202
Kate Downing and Shelly Vitanza. Marketing. New campaign and public affairs. (confirmed)
Selection of FY20 Executive Committee and CID President.
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Reaud 202
Facilitated input for Strategic Plan (Dean Terrebonne, Mike Diamond)
Topics for next year possibly: UAC. Greg Marsh Institutional Research. Evening/Saturday classes. Craig Escamilla on retention updates.

CC to all CID members and President Evans, Provost Marquart and guests.