February 28, 2013

Thursday, 02/28/2013
242 Galloway
Submitted By:

Attendees: Steve Doblin, Mark Asteris, David Carroll, Cruse Melvin, Priscilla Parsons, Paula Nichols, Michael Saar, Julia Yoo, Henry Venta, and Kevin Smith.

Steve Doblin called the meeting to order. There were no minutes from the last meeting.

Steve Doblin and members present reviewed and amended the membership list as follows:

Stefan Andrei (Chair of Computer Science) Ex Officio
John Genuardi (Media Services and Customer Support Services) Ex Officio
David Carroll (Director of Library Services) Ex Officio
Priscilla Parsons (AVP IT/CIO) Ex Officio
Gleb Tcheslavski (Faculty Senate Representative) Ex Officio
TBA (SGA Representative) Ex Officio
Henry Venta (Academic Council) Ex Officio
Kevin Smith (Sr. Associate Provost) Ex Officio
Paula Nichols (Distance Education) Ex Officio
Cruse Melvin (Assoc. Dean A&S) Ex Officio
Paul Dawkins (Arts & Sciences)
TBA (Arts & Sciences)
Bryan Shook (Fine Arts & Communication)
Xenia Fedorchenko (Fine Arts & Communication)
Tom Pinson (LIT)
Cindy Cummings (Education & Human Development)
Julia Yoo (Education & Human Development)
James Curry (Engineering)
Ruhai Wang (Engineering)
Cynthia Barnes (Business)
TBA (Business)
Michael Saar (Library)

Priscilla Parsons stated that she was not sure why LIT has a seat on this Committee at our structure. Dr. Doblin said that the Committee could bring this issue up for discussion and make a recommendation.

Dr. Doblin said the outstanding questions are: there is no SGA representative. Kevin Smith stated that the SGA did not appoint members to any University committee this year and that they have been notified on four different occasions to do so. Dr. Doblin said that the CID representative is unknown, could be K. C. Sen, but not sure. Henry Venta interjected that Kakoli Bandyopadyay has been attending meetings, and it is logical in some sense that just as the Chair of Computer Science is an Ex Officio member in the say way so should the Chair of Information Systems and Analysis be an Ex Officio member. Cruse Melvin said that he agreed that the Chair of Information Systems and Analysis should be an Ex Officio member on the Committee. Priscilla stated that if we want to make Kokoli an Ex Officio, we have to update the Committee structure. Dr. Doblin asked if the Committee meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. The Committee affirmed that this was correct. Kevin said that in regards to the LIT representative, they attend just to observe, to see what we are doing so they could copy what might benefit LIT. He said that the person before Tom did serve and attend Committee meetings. Priscilla said that she thought that the LIT representative would be a non-voting member. Dr. Doblin said that the Committee should discuss whether the Ex Officio members vote. Dr. Doblin said that the non-technology tasks to be addressed are: elect a Chair. He said he thought it would be good though to wait until some of the newly elected members attend. Cruse asked if he could make a suggestion, and said that when we consider structure, it might be a good idea, not only to have the Chair of MIS on the Committee, but also to have them rotate with the Chair of Computer Science as the Chair of the Committee so we do not have this problem of elections every year. He continued saying, just as we do on the IT Steering Committee, someone who is an academic but also interested in IT, and I would think those two chairs would be. Dr. Doblin said that he thought the Committee could discuss that. He said that the Committee should at least talk or discuss the issue about whether Ex Officio members should vote or not. Kevin interjected that Ex Officio members are simply that, they are serving because of their position and they are voting unless otherwise stated. He said that this Committee and the Academic Affairs Committee, unless we go back and change the policy, elects its Chair. Dr. Doblin said that clarification needed to be made regarding the LIT representative, indicating that they are only an observer. He said that the Committee should resolve the issue of whether the MIS Chair should be an Ex Officio, and the answer is probably yes. He said that the Committee needed to find out who is the CID representative. He also said that the College of Business clearly needed to elect a representative to replace Kit Scott. Henry Venta replied that he would get his senators to do that, and that he would check into whether Cynthia Barnes, in actuality, is the other College of Business representative. Dr. Doblin asked the pleasure of the Committee, whether to adjourn, and/or conduct business. Priscilla said that she had one pressing issue. Dr. Doblin stressed the importance of electing a Chair, saying not only does the chair convey the Committee's questions, your issues, and your recommendations to the Steering Committee, but they also share with you what happened at the Steering Committee so that you can share with your constituency that you represent. Kevin replied that Larry Osborne had done a good job of that, and Dr. Doblin agreed. Kevin said that it was that Larry had abruptly ended his term as Department Chair and thus ended his appointment as Chair of this Committee. Before leaving, Dr. Doblin said he said that he would find out about some of these issues and would make sure that everyone that was notified this time of this meeting would be notified next month. He said that then you can decide who you want to be your chair, whether you want to do as Kevin suggested that you elect the Chairs of MIS and Computer Science on a rotating basis, or something else. Dr. Doblin said that the only guidelines that he was aware of is that the Committee Chair is elected by the members, the faculty, senators, and deans conduct an election for faculty representatives, that the Charge to the Committee is given by him and delegated to Kevin. He continue by saying that if you wanted to adopt by-laws or adopt a more stringent or involved charge or operating procedure, he would certainly be willing to entertain that. Dr. Doblin said that you might think that this is a trivial committee, but it is not. He said that in fact, the Administrative Technology Committee was abolished, and this Committee survived. Priscilla said that she relies heavily on this Committee. Dr. Doblin said that this is an important body, and if the people who are elected to this Committee never show up, they need to be replaced. He said that part of that is letting the people that are elected know that they are elected and that they are willing to serve as elected.

Henry Venta made a motion that the Chair of MIS also be an Ex Officio member of the Committee the same as the Chair of Computer Science. Kevin Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed with consensus. Dr. Venta said that he would notify Dr. Bandyopadhyay that she is now an Ex Officio member of the Committee.

Priscilla distributed a handout regarding an amendment to the appropriate use of technology policy. She said that by virtue of an internal audit and the review of the Committee's recently adopted Appropriate Use Policy, it was suggested that we add the paragraph that we would adhere to our adopted content and style and use of logos, seals, or other official insignia. She said it is more of an Advancement issue. Kevin stated that it already exists. Priscilla stated that we have the style guides, and the logos and all that so yes all of that exists, but they wanted our Appropriate Use Policy to say that we set the expectation that if you are using the information resources of the University you will adhere to those already existing guidelines. Henry asked if we adopt this suggestion, who monitors the adherence to the policy? Kevin said that it is Brian Sattler's job, whether he monitors it, he did not know. Kevin made the motion to adopt the verbiage; Cruse seconded the motion. The Committee approved the motion. Priscilla will take the Committee's recommendation to the IT Steering Committee.

Cruse said that Kay Abernathy is still pursuing a subcommittee action that she started over a year ago and is still working with vendors. Henry asked if Kay rotated off the Committee because the College of Education has a policy of rotating faculty members. Julia Yoo responded that she was not aware of any such policy. Cruse said that it was not a problem that a working subcommittee is not necessarily members of the Committee. Priscilla agreed and said that the Committee has had task forces made up people who were not Committee members. Cruse said that it is ongoing and because vendors were brought in, he was looking into Lecture Capture in another venue other than what is in Lucas 119. Priscilla said that she shared with Cruse the cost estimates from the one we are currently using and that he did not like it much at all. Cruse said that from what he has been told, it will probably cost about as much, however, it will be better.

Kevin stated that the Committee needed to elect a chair to at least serve out this year, and he moved that Cruse Melvin assume the duties of Chair, and as part of the campaign rhetoric with this nomination, Cruse does sit on the IT Steering Committee and has the opportunity to share information with this Committee, at least through this year. Henry asked for clarification because he thought Dr. Doblin said that he would reconvene the Committee next month to elect a chair, would Cruse serve until the Committee elected a Chair or until the end of the academic year. Kevin responded that until a Chair is elected. Cruse said that the Chair it does not have to be officially rotated, but he liked the idea of having the tradition of having the Chair of Computer Science or the Chair of MIS as the Committee Chair because they are automatically a faculty engaged and involved person, and this is an Academic Computing Committee. He said he really did not want to serve as chair but would do so until the Committee elected a Chair. Kevin said that he would like to table that until a full Committee meets, but in the mean time, we need someone to call the meetings and serve as a conduit for information. Kevin said that all he had done was make a motion. Henry Venta seconded the motion. Kevin asked if there were other nominations, there were none. Kevin called for a vote; the vote passed unanimously. Kevin turned the meeting over to Cruse. Cruse asked if there was any other business before adjourning. Donna Blaisdell announced that she would be retiring at the end of May. She said that she would continue to take minutes until then, but the Committee would need to find some to take minutes after that time. Cruse announced that he would be returning to faculty status in the fall. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Blaisdell, Executive Assistant
Mary and John Gray Library