
For candidates seeking professional certification as a superintendent, principal, school counselor, school librarian, or an educational diagnostician, each educator preparation program shall provide a practicum, as defined in TAC §228.2. Candidates are admitted to the practicum when all admission requirements** have been met.

Candidates are required to log a total of 300 practicum hours conducted in authentic school settings in a public or private school accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or other school approved by the TEA for this purpose.

In addition, each candidate is required to secure a campus mentor.  A campus mentor is a campus principal or designee who will observe and evaluate candidate practicum experiences. The campus mentor holds an administrative/principal certification and is serving in a leadership position at the site where the practicum will be conducted. The mentor will collaborate with candidate to develop practicum plan and action research project for the candidate and will facilitate the completion of the activities outlined in the practicum plan. In addition, the campus mentor will work with Lamar University faculty to ensure that candidate completes program requirements.