By Laws


The Senate shall hold a regular meeting during the first week of each month, September through May, or, if the University is not in session the first week of a particular month, September through May, the Senate shall hold its regular meeting during the first week the University is in session for that month. Special meetings may be called as stated in the Charter under PROCEDURE. All full-time faculty members, exclusive of Department Chairs and above, are welcome to the meetings of the Faculty Senate except in rare cases when either the officers or the Senate deems a closed meeting is necessary. Visitors will be allowed the floor only by Senate invitation. A regularly-scheduled meeting may be canceled or postponed at the immediately-preceding meeting by a two-thirds vote of the membership.



The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, and a Secretary. Officers shall be elected biennially from the membership following the conclusion of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester. Newly elected officers will officially hold office from the first regularly scheduled meeting of the following fall semester (September).
Eligible voters will be the duly elected Senators for the upcoming fall semester. Voting will be by secret ballot if there is more than one candidate nominated for the officer position.
Officers will be elected from a ballot prepared by the Nominations Committee. The committee shall consist of one Senator from each college and the library. Senators from the separate colleges and the library will meet and select a Nominations Committee representative. Results of these meetings will be transmitted in writing to the Secretary of the Senate prior to the April meeting. It will be the responsibility of the Nominations Committee to meet and propose a slate of officer candidates no later than two weeks before the May meeting. The Secretary of the Senate will distribute the list of candidates to each Senator one week before the May meeting.
An officer may be elected to the same office for two successive terms. After a lapse of two years, the Individual is eligible again for election to that same office. The individual may be elected to a different office without the two-year lap. An elected officer in the third year of his/her term will automatically have their term extended by one year. Officers who resign their position without fulfilling the term of their office shall be replaced at the next regular Senate meeting through nominations from the floor and voting by a majority of those senators present.
The Senate shall work with each College Dean to create a plan to assure the balancing of terms of Senate members in accordance with Article 1.4 of the CHARTER. Senate officers shall be responsible for monitoring each College's procedure.




The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees, and serve as the  official representative of the Faculty Senate in situations where such representation is necessary or desirable. With the Vice-President and the Secretary, the President shall set priorities for the monthly agenda. The Vice-President shall carry out all duties of the President when the President is absent.
The Secretary shall write and distribute minutes and announcements, take care of general correspondence, and be custodian of all Senate records, policies, and proceedings. In the absence of both President and Vice-President, the Secretary shall preside until a President pro-tem can be elected. The Secretary shall issue the call for election of Senate members in March and shall receive results of the elections.




An agenda for each regular meeting shall be established, and the membership informed, as far in advance as possible but with never less than seven days' one day's notice (amended in May 2012). New business not on the agenda may be introduced, but no action shall be taken until a later meeting. A formal agenda is not necessary when a special meeting for emergency discussion and action is called.




Each Senator, including the officers, shall have one vote. Senators shall be regarded as either present or absent; there shall be no substitutes and no proxies. A quorum shall be a simple majority.




In all circumstances not covered by the Charter or the By-laws, Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail.




Senators are expected to attend and actively participate in regular Senate meetings, Senate committee meetings, and special called meetings. Senators who are absent from more than three regular Senate meetings in an academic year will be notified by the Secretary that their attendance record is unacceptable and that their name will be dropped from the Senate roster, unless the Senate President determines that there are compelling reasons for the absences. The Senate President will call a
special election to replace any Senator that has been dropped from the roster.