Distinguished Alumni Awards Nominations

Help us honor Lamar University alumni who are worthy of recognition for their extraordinary achievements, community activities, honors or awards and Lamar University affiliation and service.

Nominations may be based on a distinguished career or life’s service; for alumni who work in public service; for alumni who distinguish themselves in their service to Lamar University; or to recognize young alumni who distinguish themselves early in their careers.

Preference will given to nominees who meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate must have graduated from Lamar University (South Park Junior College, Lamar College, or Lamar State College of Technology)
  • The candidate must be distinguished in his or her chosen profession or life work
  • The candidate must be  a person of such integrity, stature, and demonstrated ability that faculty, staff, students, and alumni will take pride and be inspired by his/her recognition
  • The candidate must be an individual who, in deed and in action, recognizes the importance of his/her education at Lamar University and whose interest and loyalty are evident.

Nominators:  Please include appropriate biographical information about the nominee including a list of professional and service accomplishments, other awards and distinguished activities, contributions to the community, and their post-graduation involvement with Lamar University.

Deadline to submit nominations is September 30 each year.